Ato 2019 – Members

Executive Team

Andrea Caruso Saturnino
Founder and General Director

Researcher, producer and curator, specialized in contemporary theater and interdisciplinary projects, with long international experience. Graduated in Literature from UFMG [Brazil, Belo Horizonte], Andrea holds a master in Perfoming Arts from Sorbonne Nouvelle [France, Paris] and PhD in Arts from USP [Brazil, São Paulo]. In 2009, she founded the production company Performas, responsible for presenting important names of the contemporary scene to the Brazilian audience. Creator of Brasil Cena Aberta Association, has been developing, together with Ricardo Muniz Fernandes, João Carlos Couto and with the collaboration of important partners, the way of working of this mix of meeting – festival – fair – association – space of research and reflection, a platform focused on actions for the development of the internationalization and internalization of the national performance arts in its multiple aspects.

Ricardo Muniz Fernandes
Founder and Projects and Communication Director

Producer, curator and editor, graduated in Social Sciences from PUC-SP, has been working with theater and dance production since 1990. He was the general coordinator of the theater department of SESC SP from 1986 to 2000. In 2000, he founded the production collective prod.art.br, a company that has been active until today, bringing to Brazil key names of the international scene. In the year of 2002, he founded the publishing house n-1, focused on publishing interdisciplinary books, among philosophy, politics and arts. He designed this platform with João Carlos Couto (Janjão) and Andrea Caruso Saturnino, seeking to create a continuous time and place to think and put on the open scene other ways of creation and collaboration. To invent other possibilities. A place in an open and continuous process, collective and courageous space to discover cliffs in the plains of the world.

João Carlos Couto
Founder and Production Director

Sociologist, actor, cultural producer, programmer, consultant and curator in theater and dance. He met Ricardo Muniz Fernandes when they worked together for the first time in the International Festival of Arts of São Paulo from 1995 to 1999, with Couto as the executive and production director, as well as one of the curators of the festival, while Fernandes worked as theater coordinator of SESC-SP. Since the creation of Mirada – Ibero-American Festival of Scenic Arts (2010), which now covers the whole Baixada Santista region, acts as an advisor for the organization and general and international production of the festival. During the five editions of the event, Andrea Caruso Saturnino, Ricardo Muniz Fernandes and Ricardo Frayha have presented and produced several shows that have strengthened the connection between the team, boosting new creative desires such as Brasil Cena Aberta platform.

Ricardo Frayha
Production Manager and International Relations

Since 2000, she has been working in the visual arts sector. Manager specialized in strategy creation and project development, she is a cultural consultant for public and private institutions, independent actions and companies. Graduated in History at PUC SP, she develops and participates in projects in several national and international institutions. In the last years she has also dedicated herself to the formation of collaborative dynamics through exchanges between the artistic and social universe and articulates initiatives and companies for the accomplishment of common actions.

Laura Maringoni
Coordinator of Partnership

Since 2000, she has been working in the visual arts sector. Manager specialized in strategy creation and project development, she is a cultural consultant for public and private institutions, independent actions and companies. Graduated in History at PUC SP, she develops and participates in projects in several national and international institutions. In the last years she has also dedicated herself to the formation of collaborative dynamics through exchanges between the artistic and social universe and articulates initiatives and companies for the accomplishment of common actions.

Lara Bodrin
Executive Producer and Internacional Relations

Erico Peretta
Visual Communication

Trabalha conjuntamente com Ricardo Muniz na criação gráfica dos livros lançados pela Editora n-1. Vem criando a identidade visual da plataforma e encontro Brasil Cena Aberta inspirado em muitas das publicações da própria editora, no manifesto antropófago e tudo aquilo que foi deglutido dele.

Mônica Herculano
Social Network

Artist and Bachelor in Social Communication, specialist in English Language and Cultural Accessibility. She developed the  Unlimited: Arte sem Limites as Associate Producer British Council Brazil. Co-created and was curator of the Rio Olympics and the Festival || BETWEEN || Art and Access. She created a creative accessibility plan for festivals and exhibitions, such as the exhibition “Inovanças: Creações à Brasileira” (Museum of Tomorrow) and the accessible show “Princesinha Medrosa”, where she applied the concept of creative accessibility by integrating accessibility features with dramaturgy. She has been an actress-creator and performer in the group opovoempé, and nowadays she acts as cultural manager, director, performer, audiodescritora, consultant, curator, translator and independent mediator in exhibitions, artistic interventions, round tables, workshops, collaborating with partners such as Sesc SP , Itaú Cultural, Sesi, British Council, MITsp, Museum of Tomorrow, Oi Futuro, etc. From the meeting with artists with disabilities has been provoking to think outside the box regarding the artistic creation in the performing arts in general.

Paula Souza Lopez
Accessibility Coordinator

Artist and Bachelor in Social Communication, specialist in English Language and Cultural Accessibility. Developed   Unlimited: Arte sem Limites as Associate Producer for the British Council Brazil. Co-created and was curator of the Rio Olympics and the Festival || ENTRE || Art and Access. She created a creative accessibility plan for festivals and exhibitions, such as the exhibition “Inovanças: CrIações à Brasileira” (Museu do Amanhã) and the accessible show “Princesinha Medrosa,” where she applied the concept of creative accessibility by integrating accessibility features with dramaturgy. She has been an actress-creator and performer in the group opovoempé, and nowadays she acts as cultural manager, director, performer, audiodescriber, consultant, curator, translator and independent mediator in exhibitions, artistic interventions, round tables, workshops, collaborating with partners such as Sesc SP, Itaú Cultural, Sesi, British Council, MITsp, Museu do Amanhã, Oi Futuro, etc. From her meetings with artists with disabilities she has been provoking all to think outside the box regarding the artistic creation in the performing arts in general.

Colaboradores Associados

Alejandro Ahmed

Choreographer, artistic director and dancer of Grupo Cena 11 Cia. de Dança. Self-taught, he developed a technique that aims to produce a dance according to the body, called “physical perception” and which is one of the points that structure his work. Focused on the limits of the body and the possibilities it proposes for the transformation of the body of the other, be the spectator as an accomplice of the dance. Regarding his researches, he deepens the concept of choreography, ritual, and has been dedicated to exploring more and more closely the limits of movement.

André Boll

Lightener since 1990, signed more than 200 projects for theater, music, dance and exhibitions. As technical director, he works in national and international festivals and tours of foreign companies in Brazil (Jo Kanamori – Japan, Trisha Brown and Yvone Rainer – USA, Xavier Leroy, Rodrigo Garcia – France, Robert Lepage – Canada and Angelica Liddel – Spain). For four years, he worked as assistant technical coordinator, responsible for the lighting of the Ballet of the City of São Paulo, where he executed projects of lighteners from France, Italy, Israel and England.

André Curti

Director, choreographer and interpreter. Between 1983 and 1990, he graduated as an actor and dancer from Escola Jogo Estúdio and from Escola Vento Forte in São Paulo. In the cinema, he worked with Hilda Machado and Renato Tapajós. Since 1990 in France, he has partnered with Olivier Fornut and Joel Daguerre. Acted in the company Le G.R.A.L, directed by Odile Michel and Patrick Olivier. He performed in the street theater company Cirka teater in Norway, in the show Poste Restante directed by Anne Marit. From 1992 to 1998, he acted and danced in the theater and dance company A Fleur de Peau, directed by Denise Namura and Michel Bugdhan. In 1998, he created the « Dos à Deux » gesture theater company along with Artur Ribeiro, having in the repertoire the creation of more than 10 shows with tours throughout various countries.

Artur Luanda Ribeiro

A producer, cultural manager, translator and journalist. Since 1968 he has worked in the cultural area. Director of OFF Produções Culturais. Creator and Editor of the “OFF Theater Guide of SP and RJ”. President of APCA – Paulista Association of Art Critics SP. Curator of the Festival Câmbio de Recife.

Celso Curi

A producer, cultural manager, translator and journalist. Since 1968 he has worked in the cultural area. Director of OFF Produções Culturais. Creator and Editor of the “OFF Theater Guide of SP and RJ”. President of APCA – Paulista Association of Art Critics SP. Curator of the Festival Câmbio de Recife.

Gabi Gonçalves

Cultural Producer, PhD in Communication and Semiotics from PUC-SP, coordinated Virada Cultural in 2009 and 2010; MIT-SP 2014 and 2015. Professor of Cultural Production at SENAC in 2013 and 2014, she works in the coordination and development of projects at Núcleo Corpo Rastreado, formed by producers, artists, technicians who plan, implement and offer support for cultural projects in Brazil and abroad. Aiming a connection between production and creative process, she assists and guides artists regarding tax matters, rendering of accounts, follows up the creation of projects, social media and websites.

Grace Passô

Brazilian actress, director and playwright, graduated from Centro de Formação Artística Tecnológica da Fundação Clóvis Salgado (Belo Horizonte). In the theater, she develops her work in partnership with several Brazilian artists and theater companies. Among her works, she directed “Contrações” (Grupo 3 de Teatro, SP), “Os Bem Intencionados” (LUME Teatro, SP); she acts in the plays “Krum” (Companhia Brasileira de Teatro, PR) and in shows of the repertoire of grupo Espanca!, a group from Minas Gerais that she founded in 2004 and in which she remained for ten years, signing the dramaturgy of shows like “Marcha para Zenturo” (in partnership with Grupo XIX de Teatro, SP), “Amores Surdos”, “Congresso Internacional do Medo” and “Por Elise”, being the director of last two works. [1] In 2016, she premiered the solo show “Vaga Carne”, in which she acts and signs the text.[2] She worked as chronicler for “O Tempo” newspaper and has published theater texts in Portuguese, French, Italian, Spanish, Mandarin, English and Polish. In the cinema, she acted in films such as “Elon Não Acredita na Morte” (Ricardo Alves Júnior), “Praça Paris” (Lúcia Murat), “No Coração do Mundo” (Filmes de Plástico – Gabriel Martins and Maurílio Martins), “Temporada” (Filmes de Plástico – André de Novais Oliveira) and “Vaga Carne” (Grace Passô and Ricardo Alves Júnior).

Lia Rodrigues

Born in 1956 in São Paulo, where she graduated in classical ballet and studied History at the University of São Paulo. After participating in the contemporary dance movement in São Paulo in the 70s, she joined the Compagnie Maguy Marin/France between 1980 and 1982. Back to Brazil, she founded Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças in 1990, in Rio de Janeiro and since then the Company remains active throughout the year, with classes, repertoire rehearsal, and research and creation works, performing in Brazil and abroad. In 1992, she created and directed for 14 years the most important dance festival of Rio de Janeiro, Panorama da Dança. Since 2004, invited by Silvia Soter, she develops artistic and pedagogical actions in favela da Maré, in Rio de Janeiro, in partnership with the Maré Development Networks From this partnership, came the Centro de Artes Maré opened to the public in 2009 – a space for the creation, formation and diffusion of arts, as well as the headquarters of Lia Rodrigues Companhia de Danças – the Free Dance School of Maré, inaugurated in October 2011, which serves about 200 people for year free of charge. In another aspect of the project – oriented by the choreographer along with the pedagogical team of the School – 20 preselected young people attend activities aimed to qualification and researches on creative material with practical workshops and dance classes during 4 hours per day, five times a week. For these young people, she created in 2013, with the sponsorship of the Municipal Secretary of Rio de Janeiro, the play “Exercício M, de Movimento e de Maré.” In 2017, she created for the same Nucleus 2 the play “Exercício P, de Pororoca e Piracema”.

Marcelo Evelin

Born in Piauí, Brazil, he is choreographer, researcher and interpreter. He lives and works between Teresina and Amsterdam. In Europe since 1986, he is an independent creator with his Corporate Demolition Company, established in 1995, and teaches at the Higher School of Mime of Amsterdam-Netherlands. He works from the residence space CAMPO in Teresina, and his shows “De Repente Fica Tudo Preto de Gente “(2012) and “Batucada” (2014) are currently being shown in theaters and festivals in Brazil and abroad. His new creation, “A Invenção da Maldade”, premieres in 2019.

Márcio Abreu

Playwright, director and actor. He created and is part of the Brazilian theater company, headquartered in Curitiba. He develops projects of research and creation of own dramaturgy, rereading of classics and role-playing of contemporary authors unpublished in the country. He carries out exchanges with artists from Brazil and France. Among his recent works are Vida (2010), text and direction, based on Paulo Leminski; Oxigênio (2010), by the Russian Ivan Viripaev, adaptation and direction; Isso te interessa? (2011), by the French Noëlle Renaude, translation, adaptation and direction; Enquanto estamos aqui (2012), dramaturgy and direction, solo dance and theater with the choreographer Marcia Rubin; Esta Criança (2012), by the French Joël Pommerat, direction, partnership between the Brazilian company and the actress Renata Sorrah. He wrote a version of The Three Little Pigs for the Commédie Française, directed by Thomas Quillardet, with a premiere season in Paris in 2012. Author of A história do rock by Raphaelle Bouchard, which premiered in Limoges, France, also in 2012, with Compagnie Jakart Mugiscué.

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