Brasil Cena Aberta meeting 2019
The first edition of Brasil Cena Aberta will take place in São Paulo, from the 4th to the 9th of June 2019. Artists, programmers, curators, managers, producers – brought together to think about different ways of production, collaboration and life as they relate to the making of performance arts.
It is not a festival, it is more than a platform and goes beyond a show. It’s cena aberta!
Against all catechesis.*
Six days of intense programming with panels, working groups, workshops, round tables, discussions, networking activities, presentation of new projects, shows, fairs and book launches. Various ideas spinning, in the scene game.
Against objectified ideas. Cadaverized.*
A time and places of the city of São Paulo open to possible artistic thinking and creation and contrary to the harshness and certainties of these dark times. To and for a future.
To serve the oracular world. We want the Carib Revolution. Greater than the French Revolution.*
A wide-open association between today’s ideas and the Cannibalistic Manifesto.
The migrations. The flight from tedious states. Against urban sclerosis. Against the conservatories *
*Cannibalistic Manifesto, Oswald Andrade, 1928.